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This presentation will cover the story of the Prophet Jesus and the Virgin Mary (PBUT) from the Islamic perspective and how highly revered they both are to Muslims.
PBUT = Peace Be Upon Them
Bette Ann Jaster OP
Dominican Sisters of Hope, The Center at Mariandale
Prophet Jesus & The Virgin Mary (PBUT) in Islam
In this time of political, religious and global turmoil, one person can truly make a difference. The person I am referring to is Ola Nosseir, a devout Muslim and energetic woman whom I first met through BOMA, Briarcliff Ossining Ministerial Association. It was there that I learned of her earnest desire to reach out to people of faith through her new organization, entitled, “Our Common Beliefs”. The title both surprised and intrigued me enough to invite her to come to The Center at Mariandale to share that story with all who might come from our surrounding area. Her presence, enthusiasm and commitment to building bridges and breaking stereotypes seemed exactly what is called for in these troubled times. And Ola truly delivered.
“Our Common Beliefs” thru Ola’s presentation on Prophet Jesus & the Virgin Mary in Islam, most certainly clarified for me and for many, the love and respect that Muslims who are followers of Islam, have for… “God is the One, God the eternal, The Prophet Jesus, blessed be upon him and the Virgin Mary, blessed be upon her.” For Muslims, the purpose of life is to worship God, the Creator of all things. The Quran is the last revelation from God, consisting of God’s literal speech.
Ola’s presentation was supported by the presence and help of her family who engaged as her support crew, taking photos, showing slides, setting up tables of books & pamphlets, arranging a wall of beautiful dresses and providing delicious Turkish food for all to share. A highlight for me was noticing her family gathered together, husband, two sons, their friend and his wife, standing together in three rows of two facing the same direction at their normal prayer time as we shared their generous meal. We were a faithful community of which we all were engaged together and truly blessed. God is indeed with us anew, thanks to Ola’s care and attention and sharing of the story. Peace be upon us all!
Bette Ann Jaster OP
Dominican Sisters of Hope, The Center at Mariandale 299 North Highland Ave.Bldg 5, Ossining, NY 10562
Prophet Jesus and the Virgin Mary (PBUT) presentation
at the Holy Innocents Church in Pleasantville, NY. October, 2016
Our parish of Holy Innocents in Pleasantville, NY was very pleased to host Ms. Ola Nosseir to give a talk on Jesus and Mary in the Qur'an. Her presentation came at the perfect time, especially with so much sad misunderstanding of Islam among many Christians. Ola was able to build a bridge of understanding and erase ignorance. For many of our people it came as a surprise that both Jesus and Mary are in the Qur'an and held in such high regard in Islam. Now more than ever mutual respect and understanding are critical to heal the many sad divisions in our society. Ola's presentation provided an important step in this direction.
Father Hugh Burns, OP
February 16, 2018
(Presentation was done on October, 2016)
With Thanksgiving for your gracious spirit . . .
Last year at a local interfaith women’s gathering, I found myself overcome with a glimpse of beloved community. I wondered how that experience of peace, shalom, salaam can be carried into the world. How do we intentionally create spaces in this political and cultural climate to recognize and be transformed by the miracles that happen among us? To be blessed by the fruit of other faith traditions that might offer new understanding and wisdom into who God is calling us to be?
As I contemplated this vision, I happened to sit next to Ola Nosseir. She mentioned that she organized presentations that highlighted the connections between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish faith traditions.
We began to imagine what it might look like to integrate what many might assume are incompatible teachings into a Christian worship service that focuses on God’s perfect love.
Over the next few months we spent hours developing a friendship and sharing about our lives and our faith journeys. I invited Ola to speak during the sermon time at Asbury’s Sunday worship service. I was so thankful for her voice and her grace. The congregation was so appreciative to learn from her about Islam. It was a joy to have friends from other houses of worship come and hear from Ola.
After church, we had a community lunch and Ola was open to questions from the congregation in addition to others in the community who came to hear her.
When we break down walls of fearful separation and begin to see each other in the same way that God sees each one of us – made in the very image of our creator – fear is driven out and replaced with love. There is no room for fear when we love as God loves. Our creator loves us more than we can ask or imagine and we are called to embody and extend love that builds peace, salaam, shalom.
Truly it was an informative time and created space for much needed dialogue. I am thankful for a new friend and for insight into Islam and our common connections to Christianity.
Rev. Melissa Hinnen, Asbury United Methodist Church, Croton-on-Hudson, NY
Reverend Melissa Hinnen
Asbury United Methodist Church, Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.
October 30, 2018
(Presentations were done on April 29, 2018 and September 15, 2018
at Asbury United Methodist Church, Croton-on-Hudson, NY)
"I can't speak for anyone else but what I appreciated most at the program at Holy Innocents was the panel discussion. It was interactive, warm and engaging. We are drawn to God by beauty, truth and the good. Interactions that incorporate all three are fantastic. We are not about efficiency or primarily, results. Getting people to engage in smaller and more frequent venues would be great. I pray that you continue your outreach efforts and look forward to seeing you again."
Michael Ricciardi, Parishioner
Holy Rosary Church in Hawthorne, N.Y.
March 15, 2017
(Presentation was done on 10/16/2016
at Holy Innocents Church in Pleasantville, NY)